NOTE: Make sure you have installed the recommended plugins before importing the demo cause it will make some unexpected errors.
Just click the theme and you will see a popup and base on the screenshot above you can see install plugins. Or simply click the Import Demo Data on the dashboard menus.
For Manual Import
For manual import just click the Switch to Manual Import link (see screenshot below) to import the content and widgets manually.
Just find the XML file on the demo contents in your purchased item.
For contents, all pages are managed by a Elementor WordPress plugin. You can edit it easily without doing any custom coding. Other content like on the footer and header can be found on widgets and customizer settings.
Manage colors, font size, and text or content using the customizer. Here’s the the section's settings.
All settings can be found on the Theme Options tab.
Top Bar settings where you edit the links and text that is belong only to the top bar section. Please see the screenshot below.
Global settings where you can edit or adjust colors, font family, and font size on these pointed tabs. Include all sections as global changes. Please see the screenshot below.
Footer Middle Section settings is for the footer section explained in the image below. This settings where you can change/edit the text or social media links. Please see the screenshot below.
Practice Area Settings is for practice area single page settings. Where you can add a shortcode of the form or change text that is shown below the practice area content. Please see the screenshot below.
Blog Settings are for both single post and archive pages or blog page. You can control the grid column, with or without sidebars on the right hand side of the page, and other features like post meta, description, banners, etc. Those sections or elements from the blog can be found on this tab. Please see the screenshot below.
404 Setting this feature on the 404 page. All text and content can be managed on this tab. Please see the screenshot below.
Breadcrumbs Settings is only 1 option if the user wants to enable or disable the breadcrumbs. Please see the screenshot below.
Header and footer content settings and content editing is manage by font, color, tob bar and footer theme options tab. Just go to Customizing ▸ Theme Options and you will see each tab there. Please see the screenshot below.
After importing the demo you see these 2 menus created. Make sure the display location to check the primary checkbox. In case you still not import any demo then make sure to set it as primary so you can see it on the header menu.
Widgets like sidebar are shown in the blog pages or other pages that has sidebar section.
Also on the footer widgets can be found on the widgets dashboard page. You will see data after importing the data from the demo. In case you did not import the demo make sure to follow what is like on the screenshots below.
To show the Request A Consultation form, you need to get or paste the shortcode in the customizer settings for Practice Areas.
Just get the form shortcode you have created using contact form7 or any form builder. By default we are using contact form7 default form and shortcode.
To create a new team member just go to Team dashboard menu on the left. Please see the screenshot below.
Make sure to add the details including the image to use on your team page and team single page. Please see the screenshot below.
To create a new post just go to the Post dashboard menu on the left. Please see the screenshot below.
Just add content, excerpt and featured image to make the single post results more better and also on blog page or category page.
To get the home page layout you must follow the screenshot above.