Your website is a crucial part of your online marketing strategy. Hopefully, your website helped with generating new business in 2021. Here are ways to improve your website in 2022 to continue to generate positive results.
Having a fast-loading website is crucial for 2022 as having a slow website may cause your website visitors to leave.
Especially since most traffic will be coming from mobile devices, you should test the load time of your website to be less than 2 seconds to miss out on traffic due to your website not loading fast enough.
This will also have a negative impact on your SEO rankings as page speed is a ranking factor that Google takes into account.
We recommend using WPRocket to improve your site speed and also take into consideration your current hosting plan to see if upgrading your hosting will improve your page load speed. Check out the Top 3 Canadian-Owned Web Hosting in 2022
Generate sales and customers by having chat functionality to enable a new sales channel on your website. Some visitors may have questions about your product or services preventing them from making a purchase.
Getting an answer to their inquiry may result in more sales for your business. Just make sure that you are responsive to the chat as you may lose the opportunity if you don’t reply fast enough.
We recommend the Crisp chat app/plugin which is available for WordPress and Shopify to install chat functionality to your website.
Showing a Cookie/GDPR Policy that visitors need to accept is required in some demographics such as certain regions in the EU.
This will generate a scene of trust to the visitor knowing that their personal data is protected and makes your website look more professional and it adheres to the legal requirements.
Check out the CookieYes plugin for WordPress to make your website GDPR compliant.
Generating fresh content such as blog posts helps generate more traffic to your website through organic search and shows visitors that you are actively updating your website and still in business.
Also, you can install a social media feed plugin if you’re active on Facebook or Instagram so your website will show your latest social media posts. You can install the Instagram Feed plugin to embed your Instagram page on your website.
Displaying your latest reviews from previous customers will show potential customers how their experience may be like working with your business(Hopefully positive).
Be proactive in asking previous customers for positive reviews as this will boost your rankings on Google maps. You can check out our post on ranking higher on Google Maps.
You can install the Google Reviews widget to embed your latest Google reviews on your website.
So that are 5 Website improvements you can make to your website in 2022. If you need help with implementing any of these improvements to your website then you can contact us at MapilitMedia Inc. We hope these changes will improve your online presence and bring more customers to your business.5 Improvements Website Improvements for 2022